Sunday, November 7, 2010

Robert's advertising blog

We see hundreds of advertising commercials every day on television, and every single one of them is trying to get us to buy their product. A recent commercial that I saw and caught my attention was the Life Alert Commercial. An elderly alert system, for when senior citizens fall or need rapid emergency assistance.  During the commercial, they show elderly people falling and accident statistics with the intent to scare their safety and catch their attention.

I feel that elderly people are very vulnerable to this type of commercials.  They hear about senior citizens falling and then they see them on TV on these commercials, they start fearing for themselves. They are using their safety appeal in order get their attention on their product. They see an elderly women fall to the ground and fight desperately to get up and call the medics, but due to her fall she cannot get up and just lay on the floor until someone has to find her. This clearly directed to senior citizens who live alone.
How can they not be scared with images like these shown to them on a daily bases. That if they do not have Life Alert the worst can happen if no one is there to help during a fall or accident.I feel that the commercial is scary and grabs their attention.

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