Sunday, September 26, 2010

Robert's Radio Blog

         After the Navy returned and radios were given back to the people, attitudes started to change towards this device; people were astonished by what this invention could do and gladly accepted it into their homes. Everyone was excited to own one of these devices and an outburst broke out, people were looking to expand their business, to try and make some money, and others just enjoyed listening through this new medium. The public accepted the radio without much objection and the Radio Era took off.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Everyone was enthusiastic about this new medium and everyone wanted to be a part of it. The public demanded and the businesses and networks gave them. Businesses started advertising their products and their goods, and the public accepted them as part of the radio. Entertainment shows started popping up and people excitedly listen to them. Networks started forming and the radio industry grew even more and society totally changed in the way that families now would gather around and come together to listen to certain shows on the radio. Radio gave the public a new attraction and entertainment, something new to do.                                                                                                                                                   The radio gave America a new source of entertainment. The radio industry realized that the public wanted to listen to music, sitcoms, and drama series.  This gave way to many radio shows that like comic series and many more. Super heroes started appearing and children had someone to look up to. These type of entertainment shows became a huge success and the public was what kept them on air.

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