Sunday, September 26, 2010

Robert's Radio Blog

         After the Navy returned and radios were given back to the people, attitudes started to change towards this device; people were astonished by what this invention could do and gladly accepted it into their homes. Everyone was excited to own one of these devices and an outburst broke out, people were looking to expand their business, to try and make some money, and others just enjoyed listening through this new medium. The public accepted the radio without much objection and the Radio Era took off.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Everyone was enthusiastic about this new medium and everyone wanted to be a part of it. The public demanded and the businesses and networks gave them. Businesses started advertising their products and their goods, and the public accepted them as part of the radio. Entertainment shows started popping up and people excitedly listen to them. Networks started forming and the radio industry grew even more and society totally changed in the way that families now would gather around and come together to listen to certain shows on the radio. Radio gave the public a new attraction and entertainment, something new to do.                                                                                                                                                   The radio gave America a new source of entertainment. The radio industry realized that the public wanted to listen to music, sitcoms, and drama series.  This gave way to many radio shows that like comic series and many more. Super heroes started appearing and children had someone to look up to. These type of entertainment shows became a huge success and the public was what kept them on air.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Social learning

Social learning explains why society acts a certain way; why teenage boys in this era are way bigger and muscular than in previews decades.  Media today depicts the protagonist of films and models in commercials as these muscular men that everyone wants to be. In effect, young viewers do want to look this way and try to achieve these looks at any cost.
In class, Professor Straubhaar gave an example of the GI Joe action figure, how the toy started to change over the years. How the makers started to make the action figures resemble a big muscular man.  The example shows us how from a small age we start seeing muscular figures in movies, commercials, and toys. Therefore in recent times, the rate of teenagers taking steroids and supplements has sky rocketed. Media tries to appeal to us by showing us images of muscular guys always having a good time and surrounded by attractive looking girls.   
       Another example is the proactive commercial and one of their slogans, “Clear skin is sexy skin”; so according to this commercial if you do not have perfect skin, you are unattractive. This commercial airs daily on our televisions, therefore people start believing these statements causing them to take action and try to imitate the celebrities in the commercials. If results are not achieved, people may fall into depression because in their mind they are unacceptable due to the repetition of all this perfect “people” that the media portrays every day to society.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hegemony Blog 2

     Now a days, the media tells you and retells you that you are not good enough; everything they portray suggests that you need to look and act a certain way in order to “fit” into society. From a very young age we start seeing messages through media on how supposedly everyone looks like, in magazines and advertisements on television all the women and men have the same physique making you believe that everyone should look in a certain way.                                                                                                                       Hegemony leads us to think that maybe something is wrong with us and we need to make a change. It can influence you in many different ways, that maybe we don’t think about and is having an effect on us. Media can pretty    control what they want the people to do; they can broadcast certain advertisements or shows over and over until people start taking them as natural and part of the society.                                                                              Media can influence you in many different ways and is up to the viewers and consumers to accept. Everyone is different, and we should not be expected to act or look the same way.  
With this picture we see how the media is making fun of this man for not fitting the qualities of what a "man" should look like. He does not look tough, muscular, or intimidating; therefor the media starts attacking him by making jokes and sarcastic comments. Man are man, and we are all different; we should not have standards from which we should live by.

In this picture we see a little boy flexing and acting tough. This just shows us that from a very young  age, boys are expected to act tough and manly. He is just a few years old and he is already acting how he should according to what we hear and see on television. 

The Aggies women basketball team, are a perfect example of using women as an object in order to get attention or publicity. In this picture, the girls look like the last thing they do is play basketball; they are dressed and posed provocatively instead of showing pictures of their basketball skills.